Saturday, February 18, 2012

More baby talk~

Today on my ongoing project day, I met with a friend who I have not seen for months and to my surprise there was a little baby in our group. I asked her whose child it was and she said "mine" I thought she was joking 'cos  my other two colleagues were claiming the baby to be theirs (they love babies- now nicknamed baby nappers!) After much chatting and my self thought, the baby is indeed my friend's and her husband was there too. This was hilarious cos I did not know she was expecting nevertheless I congratulated her on the arrival of her lovely little bub.  Being a silly person as I tend to be, I asked my friend if the baby was a boy or a girl. My colleague who was 'claiming' the baby said to me "he's wearing blue so baby boy la~" I laughed, why didn't  I think of that, stereotyped colours; boys wear blue and girls wear pink. My brain probably just thought "yeah the mum can dress her child in any way and coloursshe wants." Silly me.

Her little bub was an angel, throughout the crazy loud noise(his mum, my colleagues and all of us really are LOUD people)  he slept peacefully; he's going on two months and his mum says that the noise keeps him at ease because he knows there's people to keep him company and will be upset if its quiet. I was very impressed at what a mother can assess from her child's behaviour even at just a month and a few weeks after his birth. ( I have yet to know, I haven't had any children of my own yet. My lovely nephews, nieces and students receive my doting.) I find the bond between parent and child very intriguing; and speaking of which her little bub already has a list of god mothers to be in line. The lucky baby, I pray that he grows well and be a  well to do human being in the future.

And another thing about toddlers, my friend shared this link which I find hilarious. It's about a father trying to convince his daughter that "dad is better than mum" but his child thinks otherwise.

My internet has been terrible so I can't seem to let the embedded link load at all. Here's the link :

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Entry 11: Children talk

Two days ago, I went to visit an aunt and having some free time my mum and I decided to stay and have a chat. Much to my delight my lovely nephews were there, they live elsewhere but stay with their grandparents at noon because their parents have work. The older one is 3 and a half years old and goes to JIS in the morning, my younger nephew is going on 2 years and will soon be joining his brother in the same school. Now because my nephews don't see me much they were not familiar with me, so it took a while for them to settle with me. Sam*, my younger nephew just woke from his nap and looked at me with a skeptical face thinking " Who is this person?". He stuck close to his care taker and was afraid of me, funny enough in just 20 minutes he was tapping my leg (I was sitting on the carpet with him) and urged me to play with him. The little angel has yet to learn how to talk, but he understands very well what everyone else is talking about.

I think because we were talking out loud, my older nephew Will* woke up from his nap and came downstairs to see us. My uncle then carried down Will's toy truck with huge Lego like bricks.Will took a seat next to me (he hasn't seen me for some time too) assessed me for  a bit and then talked to me. I was surprised, I rarely heard him talk even on family gatherings cos he was shy and here he was telling me about "building houses" and tools like his "spanner" and even let me wear his safety hat after I told him how handsome he looked with it. He kept talking about construction and said "make a hole, let the cement dry and then go Boom, boom!" He was so so cute. At only 3 years old he's already showing what he liked to do, possibly from shows of Bob the builder! and I can't help but notice that all the toys designed for boys are of the construction kind. Let's face it : LEGO, Car Wash and service play toys(the one you build on your own) and also Puzzle type toys. Girls tend to have dolls, kitchen sets, cooking sets, and I was surprised when they even have a kid's sewing machine. such stereotyped toys but the kids loved it anyway, its like they already know  that's what they would like to do in the future through the nurturing of toys.

I did find it difficult to find what gift to buy for my niece when she was born last year.Baby toys have to be safe in case of choking hazards and I was not fond of soft furry toys in case it might cause allergic reactions from the dust that collects on it. (Babies put everything in their mouths!).
We'll see if I get to design and make baby friend-lier toys in the future.
(* = nick names )

Entry 10: Wikipedia Editing

Making a Wikipedia account was not a first for me. I had created one a few year back but could not even log in.I think its dead now. Funny enough for class we get to make one and edit it as part of our coursework! I find this a fun challenge and still awkward to show all my edits, people are judgemental afterall.

I was more than glad to edit our university page and add in more details about our student affairs section. I  used two days for data collection and had about an hour and a half to type and sort the fonts, settings and such. Proud of my work, after plenty of edits, I left it be. After finishing the slides and re polishing them up, I decided to check the wiki article I created if there were any edits by other users,so I can edit it on my slides. The most disheartening thing that happened was that my article page was taken down and I was left in a sad state wanting to cry but did not. I continued to read the deletion policies , why it was deleted and everything which made me upset but also a good learning process.( Honestly I think, I've been directed to odd ways to learn things. whichever works as long as it doesn't hurt anybody.)

I am still appealing for my page to be returned . Hope they reply.